
An extension of a theorem of Henneberg and Laman (A revised version is available as TR-2002-05)

András Frank, László Szegő


We give a constructive characterization of graphs which are the union of k spanning trees after adding any new edge. This is a generalization of a theorem of Henneberg and Laman who gave the characterization for k=2. We also give a constructive characterization of graphs which have k edge-disjoint spanning trees after deleting any edge of them.

Graph, Constructive characterization, Rigidity, Packing and covering by trees

Bibtex entry:

AUTHOR = {Frank, Andr{\'a}s and Szeg{\H o}, L{\'a}szl{\'o}},
TITLE = {An extension of a theorem of {H}enneberg and {L}aman (A revised version is available as TR-2002-05)},
NOTE= {{\tt}},
INSTITUTION = {Egerv{\'a}ry Research Group, Budapest},
YEAR = {2001},
NUMBER = {TR-2001-05}

Last modification: 25.4.2024. Please email your comments to Tamás Király!