
Matchings under distance constraints II.

Péter Madarasi


This paper introduces the \emph{$d$-distance $b$-matching problem}, in which we are given a bipartite graph $G=(S,T;E)$ with $S=\{s_1,\dots,s_n\}$, a weight function on the edges, an integer $d\in\Z_+$ and a degree bound function $b:S\cup T\to\Z_+$. The goal is to find a maximum-weight subset $M\subseteq E$ of the edges satisfying the following two conditions: 1) the degree of each node $v\in S\cup T$ is at most $b(v)$ in $M$, 2) if $s_it,s_jt\in M$, then $|i-j|\geq d$. In the cyclic version of the problem, the nodes in $S$ are considered to be in cyclic order. We get back the \emph{(cyclic) $d$-distance matching problem} when $b(s) = 1$ for $s\in S$ and $b(t) = \infty$ for $t\in T$.
We prove that the $d$-distance matching problem is APX-hard, even in the unweighted case. We show that $(2-\frac{1}{d})$ is a tight upper bound on the integrality gap of the natural integer programming model for the cyclic $d$-distance $b$-matching problem provided that $(2d-1)$ divides the size of $S$. For the non-cyclic case, the integrality gap is shown to be at most $(2-\frac{2}{d})$. The proofs give approximation algorithms with guarantees matching these bounds, and also improve the best known algorithms for the (cyclic) $d$-distance matching problem.
In a related problem, our goal is to find a permutation of $S$ maximizing the weight of the optimal $d$-distance $b$-matching. This problem can be solved in polynomial time for the (cyclic) $d$-distance matching problem --- even though the (cyclic) $d$-distance matching problem itself is NP-hard and also hard to approximate arbitrarily. For (cyclic) $d$-distance $b$-matchings, however, we prove that finding the best permutation is NP-hard, even if $b\equiv 2$ or $d=2$, and we give $e$-approximation algorithms.

Bibtex entry:

AUTHOR = {Madarasi, P{\'e}ter},
TITLE = {Matchings under distance constraints II.},
NOTE= {{\tt}},
INSTITUTION = {Egerv{\'a}ry Research Group, Budapest},
YEAR = {2023},
NUMBER = {TR-2023-10}

Last modification: 9.5.2024. Please email your comments to Tamás Király!